Saturday 23 August 2014

4 ways to make female friends

1. Be nice smile, Be positive.
Women are emotional creature, we can pick up on vibes and energy. When you meet a woman if you are having negative thoughts at the time. We will pick up on it, it doesn't matter if those thoughts are how you don't like what you are wearing or if you are thinking about how you want to strangle your boyfriend for cheating on you. It doesn't matter we will pick up on it, smiles go a long way sometimes, women are so accustomed to assumed mental competition when we are all in the same room as another woman that we immediately assume that other women are threatened by us or vice versa.
Be secure in yourself and stop mental competition with other women, Smile and be non-threatening.

2. Don't look lustfully at another woman's man.
This one seems to go without saying, but I feel that I do need to say it. If you are giving another woman's man googly eyes you will be hated. It's a lose/lose situation for you, either way, she's gonna hate you and if the man does in fact respond then he's not a good guy. Besides there are so many single men out here why would you want to make googly eyes at one that's already taken?

3. Give compliment.
If a woman is wearing something that you admire then why not tell how good she looks in that amazing outfit? She will appreciate it. Most likely she will compliment you back since you already know that you have similar taste then you're probably wearing something that she likes too.

4. Stop hating!
"Hating" is another word for "Being jealous" you should never rule someone out as being your friend because you are jealous of them. First of all, be honest with yourself. Do you really not like that girl at work because she is too "arrogant and cocky"? Or is it really because you are jealous of her confidence, her brand new Gucci bag really be honest With yourself, you never know if you are nice to her and become friends she just might introduce you to her best friend that works at Gucci store so you can get that discount or she might just be a really great person and friend.

There are so many haters left in the world, Get with the moment you're getting old and it's getting tired.

1 comment:

  1. wow........ thanks for the tips............ I will try it....

    Am Immanuel mavin kish
